Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency with key

Richmond Target FCE Student's Book with Exam Trainer CD-ROM| Oxford Advanced Masterclass CAE Student's Book New Edition>

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Designed for all advanced students. Fully updated in line with the enw CPE exam, this New Edition provides thorough coverage of the structures và vocabulary essential for CAE and CPE exam success.Paperback: 288 pagesPublisher: Longman (3 May 2002)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 9780582518216ISBN-13: 978-0582518216ASIN: 0582518210 Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 1.3 x 26.6 cmLink Download
Richmond Target FCE Student's Book with Exam Trainer CD-ROM| Oxford Advanced Masterclass CAE Student's Book New Edition>
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