

There is a saying that it only takes a few seconds for someone to lớn judge you based on your body toàn thân language, actions, and words. And once someone has formed their impression of you it can be quite hard to lớn change this. That’s why it is so important khổng lồ always make a good first impression. When you start a new job, it’s vital to lớn make a great impression on your new colleagues. After all, they are the people you will be spending most of your time with while you are at work. So, how bởi vì you make a good impression on your colleagues in your new English-speaking workplace? Being friendly is a good start and these English expressions will help you go further in making a great impression on your new English-speaking colleagues. In this article, we will give sầu you advice on how lớn make a great first impression at work & what phrases khổng lồ use for your first day at work.

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Four things to think about on your first day at work:

Be on time: It’s your first day at work and one of the more important things is to lớn be on time! Since it’s your first day, things can go wrong on the way khổng lồ work. This is a new route that you haven’t taken bloadingvn.comore so you might not be aware of the possible delays & traffic jams that might occur on this new route. Be well prepared for possible delays in traffic or getting lost on your first walk to lớn work. Arriving early & prepared is better then showing up stressed và sweaty for your first day at work.Smile: Don’t forget lớn smile! There is nothing lượt thích a contagious great smile. This is something that will help you when making a good first impression. A confident smile will be remembered & will make others feel happy around you.

Phrases lớn use on your first day at work khổng lồ make a good first impression:

1. Would you lượt thích a hvà with that?

Helping people put is always a good way to impress. Offer to lớn help by saying “Would you like a hvà with that” if it looks lượt thích a colleague is struggling with too much work.

2. Could I have your advice on this?

People are always flattered when they are treated as experts. Don’t be afraid khổng lồ ask for advice và make sure you let people know that you value their opinions?

3. I’ll get right on it

If you can start working on a task immediately, let your colleagues know by saying “I’ll get right on it.” Make sure lớn only use this phrase if you vày actually intover to bởi the task right away – nobody likes khổng lồ be kept waiting.

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4. It’s great to meet you / It’s a pleasure khổng lồ meet you

If you meet a new colleague working at a similar cấp độ in the company to lớn you, say “It’s great khổng lồ meet you!” the first time you meet him or her. If you meet someone more senior than you, use the more formal “It’s a pleasure khổng lồ meet you!”

5. I’m looking forward to working together

This is a particularly usloadingvn.comul expression for emails and letters. When you start a project with a new colleague or a client, adding “I’m looking forward to working with you on this project” near the kết thúc of your tin nhắn shows respect & that you are keen lớn get on well together.


6. That sounds lượt thích a plan

A nice informal expression lớn use when one of your colleagues has a good idea about how khổng lồ bởi something. If you want khổng lồ sound even more enthusiastic, you could say “That sounds like a great plan!”

7. Let’s put our heads/minds together

If you think it would be a good idea khổng lồ work closely with a colleague khổng lồ solve a problem, you can say “Let’s put our heads/minds together lớn solve sầu this.” Sometimes, people also say “Two heads are better than one.” This means that it’s better lớn work together than alone.

8. Let’s get this done

When you are ready khổng lồ start working on something, you can use a casual expression like “Let’s vị this!” or “Let’s get this done!” to encourage your team và colleagues to get started.

Try using these phrases with your English-speaking colleagues and make a note of the expressions they use & you will make a great impression in your next English-speaking workplace.

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