10 esl warm

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Getting middle school students focused on the lesson you are about lớn teach can sometimes be a difficult venture. Engaging your students in a quichồng, 5-minute warm-up activity can help khổng lồ break the ice, get them focused và making teaching your lesson that much easier.

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The Five sầu W"s

Ask your students the famous "W" questions: who, what, where, when và why. These questions should be centered on the lesson you are about khổng lồ teach & will help get your students in the learning groove. For example, if you are teaching a lesson on the weather, ask what weather is & why we experience different forms of weather. Reward the students who give the correct answers by giving them extra points on a quiz or extra time at recess.

Knowledge Quiz

Provide your students with a quichồng knowledge quiz lớn assess what they already know about a particular lesson. It does not have sầu lớn be tricky or even count for a grade, but it will give sầu your students a heads-up about what will be discussed in the future. This quiông chồng quiz activity will help your students get focused on the lesson and will help you assess where you need to lớn spkết thúc more time during your lesson & teaching.

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Have your students keep a journal that they can write in each morning prior lớn the start of the school day. This activity will center your students" minds và energy, allowing them to lớn begin focusing on the academic rather than the entertaining. Write a question or statement on the board each morning & have sầu the students write several sentences about it. Some examples of statements or questions: "What did you have for breakfast và why?"; "Who is your favorite scientist?"; or "If you could be any animal, what would you piông chồng and why?" Collect và review the journals at the end of each day.

Memory Games

Give sầu each student a sheet of blank paper. Place seven or eight items in a box và pull them out one by one. Place the items baông chồng in the box & give sầu your students 5 minutes to remember what they saw in detail. The more details a student can provide, the higher his score. At the kết thúc of 5 minutes, collect the students" papers and nhận xét them. This game will help your students improve their short-term memory skills và will give you an idea of how well they are paying attention lớn detail.

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