Steam community :: guide :: 100% complete epic battle fantasy 4 walkthrough

This is it. The team has tracked the nefarious Godcát lớn the uppermost climes of its temple. There can be only one outcome, one acceptable goal, one kết thúc point that will save sầu the world: the destruction of all cats. Or something lượt thích that. Bring it, you frisky feline deity!
The area with the final Slime Cat has several treasures to plunder before you head across the bridge. Cheông chồng the northern path baông xã west khổng lồ find fourAmethysts, fourSilksand twoGold Plates. Behind a pillar in the north isHam,PizzaandSushi. To the south are two more visible chests containingBeef,Chips, aBurger, twoDark Runes, eighteenPaper Talismans& threeAmethysts.

Bạn đang xem: Steam community :: guide :: 100% complete epic battle fantasy 4 walkthrough

Further east you"ll find another corridor of enemies. There are a few treasure chests, but you still can"t get at most of them. Collect theRed Scrollvà the one accessible chest, containing eighty-eightWools, fiveSatinsandWinged Boots!Woo! Now you can get those other two chests, which contain aCandycane,aLollipop, fourSundaes,Mythril Shards, eightSilksand eightSilver Plates.
There are more extras you can grab, but now"s not the time. Continue east and you"ll reach the final maps of the game… and on that map… two Godcats?! Huh, that"s… different… well. There"s naught else you can bởi vì but take them on và hope for the best!
Battlin" the Godcat. He"s got some serious hardware.

Yep, you"re up against the light và dark Godcats you encountered earlier in the game. The trắng one is vulnerable lớn Dark attacks while the black one is vulnerable to lớn Holy. Equip your characters accordingly, especially Matt. He can maul these kitties with the proper swords (namely Heaven"s Gate & Devil"s Sunrise)… though first you need lớn work your way through several waves.

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In the first wave sầu, the two Godcats will avoid all of your attacks, like before. Defover and heal until they change up, with the Trắng Godmèo going first.
In the second wave, the White Godmèo will get in a massive sầu machine called The Creator with flanking Blue Crystals that will immediately buff their whole team. Dispel their boosts, heal immediately after The Creator uses its painful all-hitting attack, và demolish the Blue Crystals as your first priority. After that, focus on your own all-hitting attacks, preferably Dark in nature, which will hit The Creator & its Blade of Heavens for massive sầu damage. These Blades will regenerate after going down, but they"ll thua their turns in the process. It"s not a bad idea to get these guys wet, as they"re also vulnerable khổng lồ Lightning và will take extra damage if soaked. Beware the use of Syphon in this battle - it happens often, & can rob your magic users of much of their potency. Hopefully you have sầu a lot of Garlic. One last tip: Kill the Mage Dogs immediately when they appear! They will both buff and heal!
Defeat The Creator and the two Godcats will come out to lớn play again. Keep defending, as you still can"t hit them like this. Now"s also not a bad time lớn switch your weapons and armor khổng lồ both resist & counter Dark spells & enemies…
The Destroyer, the final officialtrùm in the game. Take it down!

… because, hey, guess what shows up now! It"s The Destroyer"s turn, and with its Red Crystals and Blades of Hell it"s pretty much the elemental opposite of The Creator. You"re much more likely khổng lồ run into debuffs và status ailments in this fight, but other than that you just have sầu to change up your attacks lớn stay on top. Holy attacks are by far the best choice here, with Ice a somewhat distant second. Don"t bother with Fire if you"re intent on destroy the side minions, as it will heal the Red Crystals, và they"re a big source of debuffs.
When The Destroyer goes down the two Godcats will appear again. You have a few turns to lớn bring your buổi tiệc nhỏ baông chồng up khổng lồ spec, which means reapplying buffs or, at the very least, getting rid of the copious debuffs & status problems from the previous battle.
The sixth wave sầu is your worst nightmare. Thought one bewhiskered deity was bad? Try The Creator & The Destroyer at one time. Their opposing elements make choosing an appropriate weapon rather difficult. At this point it"s better khổng lồ let most of your các buổi party hold bachồng while Matt goes on the offensive sầu with one sword or the other, using either normal attacks (if you"re really strong) or special attacks (Legend is fantastic). Natalie should stiông xã to lớn healing everyone, though Judgement is a great attachồng for walloping The Destroyer. Try khổng lồ take out the darker half of the equation first, as its debuffs are really annoying và you can"t seem to lớn get rid of the buffs applied to The Creator, no matter how many times you use Dispel. This battle will take too long if you try lớn take out the side baddies, so focus most of your strikes on The Creator and The Destroyer. More Blades will come out lớn face you after one or the other side goes down, but they"re more of a nuisance than a credible threat at this point.
Beat the two together and you"ll face one more wave sầu, though it"s completely scripted and will see you through khổng lồ the ending. Yay! You"ll getThe World Is Savedmedal and the satisfaction that you, you know, saved the world. Hooray!