Everything happens for a reason


There is nothing we can vì chưng but accept the things that we cannot change, and these "everything happens for a reason" quotes prove that we can"t control everything in life. Some things are just ... Meant to be.

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Has something ever happened to you & you knew right away that it was inevitable? Even if you felt lượt thích you worked hard to lớn prevent but somehow it just happened the way it was supposed to lớn happen.

You are not alone. This has happened to everyone, including me.

Things happen that are out of our hands that can make us question life as a whole. It can be overwhelming and frustrating when we cannot control our own destiny because the world has a way of altering our dreams even when we have it perfectly planned out.

Have you ever made plans that went completely wrong? I know I have. I have planned and made sure everything was perfect và of course, at the last moment, something crazy or out of hand happens.

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Want lớn hear something crazy that happened to me?

I was on a road trip khổng lồ Texas in 2014 with my friend và her entire family. We drove from Chicago lớn see one of her sisters off to prom. We had a good time nhảy đầm to music, had our hotel rooms booked and had all the things ready to have a big party.

While on the road, her grandmother passed out while we were refueling at a gas station in Tennessee & died right in front of us all.

I was so confused và angry that I had questioned everything in life. The crazy part is that she died in Tennessee in the same area where she was born in raised. This made me think twice. I thought — maybe she was meant to leave this earth in the same town that she was born in?

This is what made me believe in destiny a bit more.

Things go wrong in our lives so that we can appreciate them and somehow make best out of a really horrible situation. From that experience, I was able to love và appreciate life that much more. I grew a deeper và stronger understanding of how short life is và that things will happen for a reason và they will be what they are destined khổng lồ be in life.

According to psychologytoday.com, “thinking everything happens for a reason can help people cope”. People often tend lớn say this phrase to help them get through tough situations & I am guilty of saying this.

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All và all, just remember that if things vì chưng get tough & you really cannot find a way khổng lồ make sense of it, that things happen for a reason. Even if we have everything to lớn fix a situation, the only thing we know for sure is that with life you really just never know how things can go.

I have compiled a menu of "everything happens for a reason" quotes that will have you understand more about how crazy things in life happen, & that not everything is within our control (even when we want it to lớn be.)

1. Doors mở cửa for you when they are meant for you.


“The pessimist reason that things just happen, where the optimist believe that things happen for a reason.” —Anthony Liccione

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31. Things are destined khổng lồ be.

“Things are finally starting khổng lồ calm down và be the way they’re supposed lớn be. I think things happen for a reason.” —Eddie Cibrian

32. Good or bad, it will happen.

“Remember that everything that is happening around you, good or bad, is in some way conspiring to help you.” —Debasish Mridha

33. Be happy for life so you can live it up.

“Thank life for happening, Thank every twist và turn, There is a reason for every single thing, there is a reason for every worry & concern.” – Dante Jannicelli

34. We all desire a reason but we have to understand that it happens regardless.

“I believe that everything happens for a reason, but I think it’s important khổng lồ seek out that reason; that’s how we learn.” —Drew Barrymore

35. Live life to the fullest without regrets.

“All is grace. Nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason. Life is beautiful!” —Joel Randymar

36. We all have different beliefs in life.

“I don’t believe in luck. I believe everything happens for a reason.” —Nelly

37. The beauty in life is unknowing.

“Everything happens for a reason, & part of that beauty of life is that we’re not allowed lớn know those reasons for certain.” —Aron Ralston