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Vật phẩm này sẽ không tương phù hợp với oto Mechanic Simulator 2018. Hãy coi trang giải đáp để biết lý do tại sao cống phẩm này rất có thể không cần sử dụng được trong car Mechanic Simulator 2018.

In this guide I will show you how to lớn make your own car variations without sacrificing the original vehicle.

Xem thêm: Bộ Giải Mã Âm Thanh 5.1 - Giải Mã Âm Thanh Dts 5 1

So here I have included what examples I have made for myself, showing ones that are the game"s original oto then my version. I might consider releasing these variants once we have a more stable and moddable game.
Now here comes to lớn the technical part of the guide.Step 1: Navigate khổng lồ your CMS 18 root folder.C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonCMS2018Step 2: Once you are looking in the root folder, go into folders, cms2018_Data, then StreamingAssets then Cars. At this point I would make a shortcut lớn the Cars thư mục that way you don"t need lớn keep going through your entire computer making things take longer than they should.Step 3: Find the oto you want lớn make a new variant(s).Then simply copy these two files ( config.txt và bodyconfig.txt ) & paste them into the same folder with the other ones, then rename the two files khổng lồ ( config1.txt and bodyconfig1.txt ) which looks like this
You can make as many as you want just make the number after after the config/bodyconfig some thing like 2,3,10,69,420 etc.
That pretty much sums up exactly what you need to bởi vì described in this guide so if you guys have some suggestions please vị leave them down below, this is my very first guide ( for any trò chơi ever ) after all so a little bit of help making this guide a little better is much appreciated.