How to make paper in minecraft: materials, crafting guide


If you"re looking for a quick fix to your Minecraft book woes, here"s how to lớn craft a book and everything you can vày with it


Tasty paper, by the sound of it. You can create a bunch of stuff with paper including maps, banner patterns, & books. There are two different types of maps in Minecraft: normal maps that show an area and locator maps. Khổng lồ make them, either fill the crafting squares with paper lớn make a regular bản đồ or surround a compass in the centre square with paper khổng lồ make a locator map.

Bạn đang xem: How to make paper in minecraft: materials, crafting guide

Map recipe

9x paper

Locator map recipe

8x paper1x compass

To make banner patterns, you’ll need one sheet of paper và an vật phẩm to act as the pattern’s emblem. So, for example, if you want to create a banner showing the Mojang logo, place one paper sheet on the left, và an Enchanted Golden apple in the centre.

craftable Banner logos

Enchanted Golden táo apple – Thing (looks lượt thích the Mojang logo)Wither Skeleton Skull–Skull (is basically a skull and crossbones)Creeper Head–Creeper (shows a Creeper’s face)Oxeye Daisy–Flower (looks lượt thích a daisy)Brick block–Field MasonedVine–Bordure Indented


How khổng lồ make a Minecraft book

Here’s what you’ll need lớn create a book in Minecraft.

3x paper1x leather

You’ll need khổng lồ place one piece of paper in the bottom left-hand corner of the crafting grid and the leather khổng lồ its right in the middle of the bottom row. Then, place the remaining two pieces of paper in the two slots above them, on the left-hand side of the middle row.

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How to make a Minecraft Book và Quill

Want a Minecraft book you can write in? You’ll need the following:

1x book1x ink sac1x feather

Place the ink sac to the right of the book in the crafting grid and the feather beneath the inh sac – now you’ve got a book và quill, which you can use to lớn inscribe your words of wisdom; place it on a Minecraft lectern for extra authority.

There you have it – that’s how you make paper in Minecraft and create your own books. If you can’t be bothered lớn make your own, you can also find books in ships, strongholds, orMinecraft villages;if you want khổng lồ find a village quickly, kiểm tra out these Minecraft seeds.

As for things you can use books with, they play a key part in Minecraft enchantments, as they’re part of the enchantment table recipe. Enchanting a book is also handy whenused alongside a Minecraft anvilto apply your buffs to lớn certain gear. If you want to know more about what’s coming khổng lồ Minecraft soon, we have details of what you can expect lớn find in theMinecraft 1.18 update, as well as further information on the new features coming to lớn the Minecraft 1.19 Wild update.

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