Lyrics for hotel california by eagles


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Xem thêm: " Đầu Chuyển Đổi Máy Khoan " Giá Tốt Tháng 10, 2021, Đầu Chuyển Đổi Máy Vặn Vít Thành Máy Khoan

CategoriesNooks & cranniesYesteryearSemantic enigmasThe body beautifulRed tape, white liesSpeculative scienceThis sceptred isleRoot of all evilEthical conundrumsThis sporting lifeStage và screenBirds và the bees STAGE and SCREEN"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air". What are the colitas mentioned in hotel California?John Stevens, Sydney, australia According khổng lồ information gleaned from several websites, "Colitas" is the diminutive feminine plural of the Spanish word "cola" which means "tail" (as in "Colitas de Langosta Enchiladas" - baby lobster tails). According lớn one report, the Eagles had the word translated as "little buds" by one of their Spanish-American managers at the time of writing the song. However, "cola" is also the word given lớn the tip of the marijuana branch which contains more sap (and hence is more potent). The latter explanation may have greater appeal lớn any true tín đồ of the band! Dave Baxter, Guelph, Ontario, Canada "Cola" is the Spanish word for "tail" as in an animal tail. Marijuana buds are commonly known as "foxtails". Colitas is a plural diminutive size - so the line means the smell of buds. Dave Cullen, Newcastle upon Tyne It"s actually the "warm smell of colitis", an unpleasant bowel disease caused by eating too many refried beans. John Lennon referred khổng lồ a similar ailment in Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: "The girl with colitis goes by". Stephen Pepper, Kingston like to see a detailed explanation of colitas và the entire song? See my posts at --- Unveiler The Unveiler, Actually, the line is: "...warm smell (of) eucalyptus...". Elizabeth, Los Angeles, USA I always thought it was "warm smell of burritos" which sounds much more mouth-watering. Bill, London United Kingdom As previously said it is the smell of weed. But I have also heard that it is the smell of petrol???? Jason, Burnley UK Not sure what Elizabeth in LA is "smoking" there"s no eucalyptus in the tuy nhiên - and sorry, Stephen of Kingston, but in Lucy in the Sky, it"s a "girl with kalidescope eyes"...Colitas is indeed a plural diminuitive version of a kind of Spanish "slang" for marijuana bud. C"mon kids, it"s the Eagles here! They"re singing about life in California in the drug influenced 70"s! Kari, Niagara Falls, USA Colitas is the piney smelling Marajuana buds from northern California. (Deep breath through the nose, I can almost smell them now. :) Roblime, Long Beach, California, USA A Mexican flower!! Quin, Detroit, USA địa chỉ cửa hàng your answer
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