Soul nomad & the world eaters


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I"ve never played Soul Nomad, so I am all for this. I"ve only known the awesomeness of Gig from Disgaea cameos. I"d love lớn get it. Also, same with Rhapsody. Never got it, but I"d buy it prolly if it came on Steam.
Soul Nomad is NIS magnum opus. Despite what flaws it has I would love for it khổng lồ be ported lớn pc along with an official translation of La Pucelle Ragnarok I feel lượt thích Soul was an easier gateway into the NIS universe for me than Disgaea was.I played in this orderd :1: Disgaea 1 (PSP - Barely beat the story) 2: Soul Nomad World Eaters (PS2 - Many hours) 3: Disgaea 2 Dark nhân vật days (PSP - Many hours) 4: Disgaea 1 (PSP - Went back & got a lot of hours)5: Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman (PSP - TOO many hours)6: Disgaea D2 (PS3 - Many Hours)I may or may not have dabled in some other titles I barely remembered before #1 or #2 in my menu but the point I am trying to lớn make is that if not for #2 Soul Nomad, I would never have been intoxicated by the beauty of NIS kết thúc Game content.Soul nomad definetly showed me that I should go back and replay any future or Past NIS title even if it seems grindy sometimes.TLDR: If not for Soul Nomad World eaters I would never have gone back to Disgaea or played the other Disgaea and NIS titles, và shoutout lớn my main man sony & their portable console that made my youth exciting.