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Because a parent is a child"s first & best teacher. Parents and caregivers are given tools lớn help prepare their children for success. A variety of children"s programming builds crucial early literacy skills và a strong foundation for learning.



Because everyone deserves lớn learn, explore, và imagine. At College Depot, a không lấy phí college access center, teens và adults access college planning services & tư vấn lớn accomplish high school, college, & career goals.


Xem thêm: 40 Mẫu Thiết Kế Mặt Tiền Nhà Ống 2 Tầng Đẹp, Hiện Đại Tối Giản Chi Phí Thấp


Because we need the next generation to have the critical thinking & problem solving skills to lớn find successful employment, create jobs, và grow the economy. At MACH1, our makerspace, STE/AM programs teach innovation, creativity, và resourcefulness. Entrepreneurs find the tools they need khổng lồ start and grow their dream at hive sầu
The Phoenix Public Library Foundation ​supports Kindergarten Bootcamp, a year-round program that is the centerpiece of early learning initiatives in the City of Phoenix.​ ​Kindergarten Bootcamp gives parents tools, information, and activities to help prepare their children for school success in a fun, educational, và interactive sầu setting. Bootcamp consists of seven, 1-hour sessions for children who are preparing to enter kindergarten. Under the guidance of an early literacy speciadanh sách, parents and caregivers work with their children on foundational skills which have sầu been demonstrated to lớn be the most important for both a successful kindergarten và school experience.

With the 25th anniversary of the Burton Barr Library fast approaching, the Board & staff of the Phoenix Public Library Foundation are planning a major remã sản phẩm of its Children’s Area to lớn ensure that it remains a destination space for generations lớn come. We are also developing plans lớn better serve the community by enhancing programs khổng lồ enrich lives & expvà educational opportunities. There will be more information coming soon about this exciting project!

More than just a fundraiser for Phoenix Public Library, Dinner in the Stacks is a much-anticipated annual gathering of community leaders, library champions, và local personalities in tư vấn of literacy for Phoenix. This year the sự kiện is going VIRTUAL!

Sponsored by the Phoenix Public Library Foundation, this year’s Dinner in the Stacks will be held on Saturday, November 6th, 2021! For more information visit the event trang web at:!